Swahili Phrases, Swahili Expressions, Swahili Idioms, Swahili Sayings, And Swahili Proverbs.

Please note:
The Swahili phrases and idioms below are not in any particular order.
Meanings or occasions are mentioned (in Italics) when necessary.

Here we go!

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Avoid those who constantly praise you.

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One who tells you about someone else’s business will tell someone else about yours.

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The day you decide to leave your house naked is the day you run into your in-laws.

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One who drinks water with one hand remains thirsty.
Don’t do too many things at the same time.

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“What will I eat with?” is better than “What will I eat?”

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A good day is apparent in the morning. Swahili.

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Habit is the body’s skin.
Habits are difficult to break.

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A corpse isn’t asked about the choice of shroud.
A person in trouble doesn’t get to choose the kind of help they are offered.

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A large house hides large matters.
Where there are lots of people, there will be lots of things going on.

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The day a monkey is destined to die, all trees become slippery.

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The tongue steals what is in the heart.
People talk about their feelings.

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If a cat is the judge, then the rat can’t win its case.

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One who always tells the truth is avoided by his friends.

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One who has been bitten by a snake startles at a reed.

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